
Showing posts from April, 2022

Countries In Asia 2022

The language gained its’ official recognition in 1952, when people of Bangaldesh became active to achieve their rights to speak in their mother tongue, which led to the language movement. In tribute to the Language Movement and the ethno-linguistic rights of people around the world, 21st February was declared as International Mother Language Day in 1999. The total area of Asia, including Asian Russia but excluding the island of New Guinea, amounts to some 17,226,200 square miles , roughly one-third of the land surface of Earth. The islands—including Taiwan, those of Japan and Indonesia, Sakhalin and other islands of Asian Russia, Sri Lanka, Cyprus, and numerous smaller islands—together constitute 1,240,000 square miles , about 7 percent of the total. Everyone around the globe relies on natural resources to support their lives as well as their local and national economies. However, not all communities have access to the same kinds of resources in the same amounts. Asian Alliances And...